XXIII BCES Annual International Conference
İstanbul, Türkiye, 24 - 27 September 2025
Yeditepe University Faculty of Education
To register for the conference, please complete and send the registration form and pay the registration fee.
Registration fees for international participants | Amount | Deadline |
Early bird registration fee | EUR 270 | 14 February 2025 |
Previous BCES conference participant registration fee | EUR 220 | 30 June 2025 |
Standard registration fee | EUR 320 | 30 June 2025 |
Registration fee for Turkish participants | Amount | Deadline |
Registration fee | 3500 TL | 30 June 2025 |
The authors (both International and Turkish) of accepted full papers should pay their registration fees by 30 April 2025 if they want their papers to be published in Vol. 23 of BCES Conference Books 2025
Information on a boat tour with a gala dinner will be published in early February 2025.
The easiest way is to click the below buttons or scan the QR codes and pay with a credit card.
Other payment options
Send a message to info@bces-conference.org requesting an online invoice.
You will receive an online invoice. Click on it and pay with your credit card.
Order a bank transfer to the BCES bank account. In this case, participants cover all bank transfer charges.
Turkish participants pay the registration fee via bank transfer to Yeditepe University's bank account.
IBAN / Hesap No - Account number
TR02 0006 7010 0000 0030 9723 56
Müşteri Adı Soyadı - Customer name surname
Para cinsi - Currency: Turkish lira
About abstracts, full papers, registration forms, and online invoices, please contact the BCES Conference Team at:
About organizational matters and documents, please contact the BCES Conference Chair, Prof. Nikolay Popov at: